Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dogs and Pick Up Lines. Oct 10, 2016

Motra Dikorsi and I and Motra Holt were in Tirana contacting in the street cuz our companions were in a leadership meeting, and this one guy on the bike like stopped so i went up to him to talk.
so i thought this guy was super interested in our church cuz he was like flipping through the LiM and everything and i was like ya well we can give you our number so we can meet and talk about Jesus Christ some time. and then he was like "your number?" and im like ya our number..."your personal number?" oh bobo...and then he kept asking what my name was like my real name and i was confused and ya i panicked and accidentally told him my first name...i wont do it again i promise but wow i was so confused at what was going if a random albanian person friends me on facebook....

oh and this weird dog like came up to me and started jumping on me ( theres tons of dogs but they have never even come up to me before) and then he bit me. creepy dog get off me. all the albanians around me were probably like oh stewpid american...

(ya idk usually they are like deadish so it was weird. we play a game called dead or sleeping haha there are so many and wow poor dogs
..i couldve got it off me but idk how to deal with dogs oh boy.)

and we had zone conference this week so i got to see Motra Miles, Motra Bland, and Elder Johnson! It was so good to see the old district. I didnt realize that i missed them aww

oh and something real cool here is that people will tell things straight up like it literally in one of ours lessons...ya all three of us got called fat haha oh boi...its ok

And we had dinner at the bishops house. I love it cuz they were the first couple that actually looked like a cute couple. I didn't really realize that I hadn't seen that. Like they were so cute and laughing and he kissed her when he got home from work. :) they are a great family

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