Majlinda. so we found her last monday. She is totally searching for the truth. She hasn't been baptized yet because she wants to really feel it. She says that she feels so good when we come over and she loves the scriptures, really reads and studies and understands them. We met her off the bus the other day and right away she whips out her Book of Mormon and shows me a scripture that she loved about baptism. Then she asks ok give me more scriptures to read. ok will do. amazing.
[Mom comment: Becca explained a sad moment after church which heavily discouraged Majlinda. She doesn't want to come back. The sisters talked to her and invited her to a baptism later that day.]
Sunday night; we go over to the Capi's house (members) because their 8 year old is getting baptized on Christmas. The 2 year old has a fever but we have a good lesson then when we end it...the mom shoots up on her feet, the baby's choking, he's suffocating, and they can't fix it. They take him in the other room, everyone is hysterically crying and freaking out. They keep saying "u shkeput u shkeput" which means he's gone he's gone. We are standing there not knowing at all what to do. Holy cow it was so scary. Seeing the mom was probably the worst part. She thought that her baby son was dying. She was so pale I thought she was going to faint. Then they take him downstairs to the neighbor, we basically are just standing outside with the 2 little girls and are hearing the panic but not seeing anything. So we decide to say a little prayer with the girls. The 8 year old gets down on her knees and asks me to say it. Shaky. ok like 3 minutes later-he's stable, he's ok he's ok. They take him to the hospital. Whew. That was probably the most traumatic moment of my life. I think afterwards we were in shock. Not fun. Not fun. BUT he is ok! He is ok! Christmas miracles :)
[Mom comment: Another stressful incident at the baptism later that day. Again Majlinda is wanting no more to do with the lessons.]
i love christmas bye
[Mom comment: So sad to see your daughter have such a great week and then a very disappointing Christmas Day.]
motra haggard
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