Sunday, August 6, 2017

From an undone cookie 24 July 2017

So maybe to sum up this week I'll share some quotes from lessons...

Us: If you open your heart to God, He will show you how much He loves you.
Her: I have opened my heart. I've had an operation. They cut in right in half. (Then she shows us a scar..)
 Thanks nëna. And the same nëna:

Us: So we all have the gift of choice. If I want to drink milk right now, I can
Her: Ju bëftë mirë (bon apetit)
 She's a lil spicy nena.

God put us all in the oven. He took you out unbaked. Then He forgot us in the oven.
So basically I'm an underdone cookie. No shame. And guess what? God loves all His cookies. I guess I'll just make this short and sweet. God loves all of us and don't you ever think that you are "the one" that He forgot. When I have a hard week and then at the end when I'm wondering why, I get sent a couple little miracles. Does that mean He only cares about me at the end of the week? na. I think He's definitely going to make me work, probably struggle. Then I can learn. But then when we need that extra boost to keep going, He will send down a little "oh just letting you know, that I still love you". And then we can keep going.

“Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven will be cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever.” —Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You”

Motra Hegërd

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