Best food thing: suflaçes oh my goodness. they're so good. it's like meat in a pita bread thing and there's french fries in it! oh yes so good :)
So with the language....a lot of people know a little bit of english, and it's just really depressing when they start talking to you in dang it, i lost before I even tried. A vash a vash...
General Conference was in Albanian.. the gift of tongues works because during Elder Christofferson's talk I totally understood everything...oh ya it might be because the translater like stopped...but hey I might not have understood everything but what I thought when I was trying to understand was that-it doesn't even matter if what i think they say is what they actually say because if I hear a good message then that's what I was supposed to hear right? Favorite thing was from Elder Nattress's talk when he was talking about what his mom said "I will not lose you" aww :) We don't want to lose anyone. One of our investigators Anisa said this week that she has everything she wants but she still feels alone. Literally like did you actually just say that? I'm so excited to let people know that they are not alone. Because we don't want to lose anyone. <3
Motra Haggard
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